Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time Traveler

Last week's TAWmonkey. Now, I like to make a twist on the theme, but time travel is very dear to me so I thought I'd keep it semi-classic. My alternate idea was to do a caveman frozen in ice - a slow kind of time travel :D

Jonas bm

Monday, October 3, 2011

Introducing Hogan

After the floursack we went on to a human-like character rig, These assignments are from the last two weeks, two short exercises, weightshift and a swing (a wimpy one) and a longer performance centered around a bow. My guy is a waiter who's used to waiting on celebrities, but has to wait on a farmer and his pig who got rich finding truffles. He is annoyed and very unimpressed.

Jonas bm

The Floursack Returns

Yeah, much like the first year, we got to work wuth a floursack. Had a really good time with these assignments. First we have the sack drop to the floor, then a hopcycle and lastly a short performance, going from sad to shocked.

Jonas bm


Another TAW-monkey challenge, 'face in the crowd'.

Jonas bm

The Luxo Lamp

These are from our second week, going from simple balls to a real rig. Hopcycles and a small performance.

Jonas bm

Cupcake Miracle!

The Taw-monkey challenge a few weeks ago.

Jonas bm

Update Time!

Our final assignment from the first week, 'ball in a room'. We've moved to 3D, and so far it's going fine. More updates to come :D

Jonas bm